“This is Casimir’s ‘truth’. The multifaceted ‘truth’ that he wants to formulate in and with this book. A book that wants to be an example of deconstruction in terms of its form, graphically and technically, and that wants to be open to self-fulfilment, for example by separating text and images. And like a Lego block, it is a book that aims to rekindle and stimulate the reader’s fantasy, just like Casimir’s furniture.” Marc Holthof
4 Texts / 4 writers. Each writer approaches the oeuvre from a different angle, based on their specialty. Francis Smets frames the works as furniture art, Marc Holthof's text is based on multiple interviews with Casimir, Virginia Tassinari writes about Casimir's layered work from a cultural-philosophical perspective and Fredie Floré reflects in a cultural-historical way on his furniture making.
Plus 70 items. The book shows a selection of more than 70 works. From accessories to furniture, from the nineties till today, from small series to limiteds.
edition of 2500 pieces
each numbered and signed by hand
256 pages / 18 x 23 x 2,5 cm
concept by Casimir / graphic design by Undercast / print by Stockmans Art Books
The Book is on stock and will be shipped within 3 business days.